Wednesday, September 29, 2010


It's really beautiful here today, it makes me ache inside. Makes me miss someone. Makes me miss my family. Makes me miss being a kid. I know that's all sentimental poppy-cock but it's true. I was walking to class (and then right back from said class cause it happened to be cancelled) and the wind was blowing and the leaves were falling on my face and the sun was streaming down on my person.
---The sun may fade and the flowers wilt,
the leaves may turn; soar off their stilt,
the cold winds come and snow may fall.
But even then, I love it all. ---
Makes me miss the orchard, the fond memories of picking apples till your hands were numb from the cold wet dew. Then coming back to sort them all in the giant sorter machine. Then after you can't complain any more and your fingers feel like their going to fall off and your cheeks are bright as the apples you're handling you go inside and sit in the warm kitchen and are treated to a feast. It's not like Grandmee's food is the most fancy, every meal is basically the same, the staple is goulash and always random assortment of salads. But there is something about the Goulash that is just so familiar, that I wouldn't trade it for the world. Mmm It's making me sad typing this. Well not so much sad just... Reminiscent. Reminiscent of a time not so long ago that I was care free and not bound down to impressing others and holding my spot in academia. If only I could go back to that. My 19th birthday is this weekend. Along with the first choir concert. Hmm wonder what this next year has in store for me. I know that in one year almost exactly a very dear friend comes back from his mission. I haven't heard from him in a year, it's because he's Mormon:) It's times like these that I reminisce on last year right before he left, when he was back at home from college and we did crazy things; like go to Red Robin and debate theology right before closing, or go bowling and then he showed me this crazy road that he found when he got lost one time. ITS A SCARY DRIVE lol. right along the bluff and one lane. It was so cool, i could literally open the door of his car and hit someones mail box! I miss him.
I was just going to leave it off there but that just seemed weird... so I'm adding this last paragraph to say.... BYE! hahah One day i'll know how to end stories instead of always writing in stream of consciousness. §

Monday, September 27, 2010

Memoirs of a girl listening to a lecture on Meiosis

So you know how you have concert attire for choir? I've always wondered why all uniforms have to be the ugliest things on earth. Well this year is no different. Cantamus's dress's are.... fun... They would actually look great if i had found one to fit me! As it stands we have to have enough leway in the dress for our hands to be able to clap over our heads, and the one that fit me really well wouldn't allow me to do that cause there is NO stretch in the fabric of the zipper. WTH?! So I go get a bigger size, turns out this bigger size is now falling off my shoulders and looking like a sack on my skinny frame. In essence I look like I'm wearing a black potato sack.:( Grr... oh well it's not like I have any one here that I want to impress, but I do like to look acceptable and nice. It's gross. But now I'm hanging out at church listening to this dumb Meiosis lecture online, we have to listen to it for the attendance point but I already took notes on Meiosis off the lecture notes online, so I'm basically just kinda sorta listening while I write this blog. It's really nice here, I love this church. Jesyka came to visit this weekend!! It was so much fun! It was a really beautiful day yesterday so we ran around central campus to take pictures. They turned out really amazing, minus the whole Jesyka's camera falling into a puddle:( that was not so cool. Any who today was also an amazingly beautiful day and I am now carrying my camera every where I go just in case. I do need to find a tree to take season pictures of. I still have another month to get fall in so I've got some time. Hmm I think in bible study were just continuing reading Mark. I am totally enjoying the sun streaming in through this window next to me in the college kid study area of church, it's the best. GAH THIS MEIOSIS LECTURE IS LIKE 3 HOURS LONG!!!!! If you haven't noticed this is a very "stream of consciousness" type blog. Sorry if you're totally lost:) Not that any one reads this, but I think it's fun. Wish my Mom would get a blog... now that would be entertaining. Okay so I'm going to go find more random things to do while I'm "listening" to this Meiosis online lecture. Or maybe it will be time for dinner soon! yummm another reason why I love this church:D lol that and the whole, you know, Jesus thing :D Gotta love that guy! I mean he died for us!! lol Bestest dude ever.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Raining here yet again, It's kind of wet and dark and dreary. But in brighter news my bio class today was canceled, which means that I spent most of my day drooling over the actor Colin Morgan.... sorry had to wipe off the slime from my cheek. Hahah just kidding I'm not that helplessly infatuated with him. It's just I am a total die hard Merlin fan, total die accent fan, and a total die hard nerdy hot guy fan. Annnnd Colin Morgan happens to fall into all of those categories :D
Hmmm ramblings you ask for?? I need to clean my room before my friend gets here to hang with me and my roomie this weekend... AND i need to do my dishes.... and take the trash out..... oops.... hahah ALSO I need to go shopping for winter apparel.... cause turns out I didn't come prepared to college. At least in the sweater and other warm things. So when I go home next I'm hitting up my old haunts... as in the thrift shops and Goodwill =D They are the best! I mean where else can you find the kind of clothes that scream crazy old cat lady, and hooker all on the same rack?! Personally I tend to shy away from the skin tight plastic mini skirts and black boots, and tend to wear the giant baggy sweaters and long skirts. Hahah I probably look like a crazy cat lady half the time, but what evs! I am totally cool with that. Besides cats are amazing animals in ever sense of the word. Gah! Criminal Minds is on!! My other celebrity love interest you ask? Spencer Reid off Criminal Minds.... He is lacking in the accent department but he takes the cake for nerdy attractiveness. lol I'm not obsessed I swear;)
So tomorrow night I'm going clubbing for the first time... should be interesting. I have to admit I am apprehensive, but I can defend myself if anything does happen. It's going to be great, cause my friend whom I havn't seen in like forever is going with us, with my roomie and another good friend. Pretty exciting. I'll have to get back to you on if it's worth the trip or not:) hahah wow this blog is like totally pointless right now... maybe it's just me wanting to talk, I am good at that!! §

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Itty Bitty Rain Storm

Hello, Welcome to my blog. I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Katherine Mackenzie. Most people call me Katie though. This is my blog! Though if you're paying attention to what you're doing you would have already figured that out wouldn't you? I dearly hope so. Let's see, it's raining here today, thunder and lightning included. T'was rattling my dorm window earlier. I love rain, it's one of my hobbies to go puddle stomping. Because truth be told I am a 4 year old at heart. With curly blond hair (currently died red) tied up in pigtails (as they are right now!) I'm not sure where this blog is going or what it's going to be about, probably God ('cause I'm presbyterian), odds and ends (because I like the random and the vintage), weather (and how it relates to my clothing and my mood), fashion (but not in the normal sense of the word), politics to some degree (but only because I'm an anthropologist), and art (because I do stuff like that). Oh and Coffee. Speaking of which, I had a Soy Cafe Mocha from the cafeteria this morning with my oat meal (with honey and cinnamon, yummmm) it was absolutely fantastic. Rain and coffee and some yummy warm cereal are so good. The verse of the day today is from Luke... some where... any ways it's the parable of the lamp under the basket. 'cause that song was stuck in my roommates head this morning and now it's stuck in mine ♪Hide it under a bushel, NO, I'm gunna let it shine ♪. Doesn't exactly go with the rainy day we're having but hey it's a good parable. I guess that's about it :D I wanna add a picture of the rain but my camera is dead... may-haps next time. §