Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pandora, my sweet lullaby

Well, I was cleaning and watching the travel channel. Then my roomie brought all of her friends back to our room, they changed the tv channel, and I don't like cleaning with other ppl here so I had to pause and take a breather. Annnnd so I'm listening to Pandora. Who ever invented that site was a freaking genius. Like seriously!! Lol best site ever. I did get some stuff done today. ANNND my aunt facebooked me telling me she got me a laptop case from Buit they have the cutest electronic cases EVER! lol I'm pretty excited :D On one hand this is the Aunt that is very critical of my mom and there are days that I just wish she would get off my Mom's back, but She also sends us wicked cool stuff. Half my clothes are hand me downs from her. Lol. Sigh... I am cool calm and collected. And exhausted. Last night we didn't get back till about 1 am. So I'm super tired but Thats okay because it was totally worth it. Though I have to say... It was really weird seeing Evan outside of the Dbq friend group... It was... strange. I didn't know his friends and I just found it kinda awkward to come in and be like "hey I'm Katie..." I guess I'm just not used to change at all, and apparently I don't cope well with it. lol I think It'll be fine over break cause I mean we'll be with our amazing dbq friends (I agree with Jessica's post on needing to get away from ISU people and spend some quality time with dbq people) One thing that really kinda bugged me.... He didn't laugh like he usually does. I know that sounds like a stupid thing but I didn't hear the EVAN laugh, the laugh that comes out when Jessica says something hilarious or I do something stupid like fall over or almost choke on something. (I shall never live that one down) It scared me. I felt like I was loosing him. I haven't felt that in the last month though! It's like I was fine this entire month and then I actually got there and saw him and hung out with his new friends and I felt out of place... I've NEVER had that before!! Evan and I are best friends!! We have been for 4 years! We did everything together!! And it seemed like everything was the same when we talked over the internet of on the phone. But in person... I... I'm not even sure how to explain it, but it scares me. I know I'm just ranting and that most of this doesn't make any sense at all. It would kill me if I lost him though. Sigh... okay that felt good to say. On the way home last night I didn't talk at all, which is weird cause when I get tired I talk non-stop. And my friend Alex who drove was trying to get me to tell him what was wrong. I couldn't just say, "Well Alex you wanna know what?? You guys do not even compare to my friends back home and I feel lonely and afraid." That's not usually something good to say to some one you met 4 months ago. But I'm going to go eat some fruit snacks and cuddle up in my bed and listen to more music for an hour till I have to go to Bio. After that I might text David (the one with luscious hair XD) and see what those guys are doing for supper. Or I still have a packet of Ramen here... Maybe I'll just eat that. Mmmm that actually sounds really good. Or I'll walk to the c-store and get some foods. College is a lot of change that I was not prepared for. Just gotta keep my chin up and keep on swimmin' other wise I might drown, cause the deep end is way over my head. §

Monday, November 15, 2010

Dear World....

That's not a legit title just so you all know. I'm sitting in Am In studies waiting for it to start. Literally I've got 50 mins left. Listening to Kanon Wakeshima. I love the cello parts in her songs. Which makes me miss playing cello. So I know I should like choir. I mean I really love to sing and stuff but I hate the atmosphere of it all. (My professor just told me that he was going for caffeine.... I need caffeine.)Any ways, I just really dislike the attitude and mindset of most of the girls. Some of them (I know I shouldn't clump them all together so I wont) But there is this one girl who just gets on my nerves ALL THE TIME. Grrrrrrrrrrr... She says some of the dumbest things. not that she's dumb she's actually quite intelligent school wise. But her perspective of the world is skewed. Or... gah nm I just sound like I'm complaining. New topic.
Winter Guard was amazing last night! I actually understood the routine and it was very fulfilling. :D And I have my first major bruise!! And my arms are dead and my back is so sore to the touch and I'm pretty sure I'd pass out if someone hugged me. BUUUT all this hurt means I'm finally getting around to getting back into shape!!! which is super exciting. Lol I sound like a masochistic freak. teehee. I'm not. I just love spinning flag and being in shape.
In yet more news, started my job on Sunday, It's yet to be determined if this job will be worth my time. It kinda seems like it's going to be stressful and that I wont get many hours. But you know what as long as I get paid at least some monies I'll deal. This weeks is so exciting too, Cause tonight is bible study, Tuesday is open mike night for Tyler (I really hope my group gets done with this presentation in time for me to watch him) Wednesday I get to go to Iowa City to see Evan (you can not possibly know how excited I am to see him again) Thursday is.... crap... there is something going on Thursday, I forgot what it is though. Friday I get done with classes at noon and my Mom is coming to pick me up!!!! the only catch is that I promised her that I'd drive the 3 hours home so she didn't have to drive for 6 hours in one day:D Super excited beyond belief! I miss my family a lot. And Hans promised me she would save me a piece of blueberry pie. Yum. Okay Well I've still got 30 mins... but I feel as though this random entry has gone on long enough. Peace out readers. Aka My liddle sister. and those other two ;) Can't wait to see you guys next week either!!!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

6th month anniversary

So today is mine and Evan's 6th month anniversary. Which is exciting. It makes me happy that we've been together for this long. :) And no, the long distance thing isn't easy, and yes, I am mjldly pissed that he couldn't come up this weekend to celebrate because of his volunteer thing, but you know what? I'll get over it. I still love the kid so it'll all work out. In other news Jesyka and Megan are coming up today!!! I am so excited!! I havn't seen them since our dinner party. The only thing is my hair is not being nice to me today. It's kinda really super lame. Lol my bangs are like freakin' out. hahah oh well. I'll deal. Hmmmm what else. Not much else. I'm just trying to waste time till they get here. Always the best. 10 days till I get to go to IC for a couple hours!! Get to see Evan, I won't be there for very long but hey I'll take what ever I can get at this point!! Hrmmm. Oh! HvZ update! I'm def a Zombie :( but I am now on the look out for the anti virus. OH and crazy coincedence! My "friend" (I use this term loosly) At Truman is playing HvZ as well!! I thought that was hilarious. He's still a human. I kinda hope he last's till a human when we go back for Thanksgiving break. I'll tag him XD hahah Jkjk. I'll probably have starved by thanksgiving. Though if I get turned back I'm def going to try my hardest to win and stay human. Lol College is actually turning out to be fun guys. Okay I'm off to do my make up and try to tame my hair. Peace out humans!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


So when I was..... younger... I actually have no idea when our obsession started, elementary some time. But we used to read Animorphs. It's this syfi little kids book series, it's got 56 books total. (Fyi they go down hill from like 30 on). Well I got bored today, well bored and I was really pissed off, and the result was I started wondering what the tv show was like. Cause there was a 90's tv show that was made out of the books. So that's what Im doing right now. It's pretty bomb. I always wanted to be an Animorph. Oh and I totally had a crush on Tobias, the hawk kid. lol Oh and Ax was fricken hilarious when he was in human form and eating skittles. XD Man... I wish I had been born in the 70's. Teen in the 80's and twenty in the 90's or born in the 80's so I could actually remember the 90's. Lol
In other news, I am going to go on an adventure to find the sheaman catering room in the Sheamen building to drop off my Pay roll stuff. Ugh... I figure to stay in college i have to make over 300 dollers a month. ALl of which goes to my parents. @__@ College is so expensive.
IN YET OTHER NEWS!!! Winter Guard "try outs" are Sunday or next thursday. I AM SO EXCITED!! I miss spinning a lot and I can't wait to spin again!!
Other then that, I'm in a pouty mood cause I miss my beau. :( Oh well what else is new. Okay off to find Sheamen Catering! Peace out homies.