Monday, January 10, 2011

My Expectations for this semester...

... are not very optimistic. 8 - noon classes, half hour to hour break for lunch, work from 1 ish to when ever it decides to spit me out. I haven't bought books yet, and my fish has Ick. A deadly disease that makes him have white spots all over and not get enough O2. The good news is that it can be cured, the bad news is I have no salt.... AND THE CATERING COMPANY I WORK FOR DIDNT EVEN HAVE LITTLE PACKETS OF SALT FOR ME TO JANK!! ugh..... poor fishy. His name is Francis Mathew Decker-Peake. He is the adoptive son of me and Beau. Yeah.... I pretty much don't want him to die (the fish that is) (however if Beau died i'd probably die to.... lets not go there) Annnd this is going to be a short blurb cause i have a dieing fish to take care of and some books to buy. Ho shat. And no time to do that... Class from 8-noon and then work from one to who knows when.... and then i need to find salt. for the fish... than wednesday... class from 9-noon then work at one till 3:30 then Volunteer work till 6. Than thursday... class from 8-noon THEN I CAN FINALLY GO BUY BOOKS AND FIND A PET STORE AND GET A CHEEP GRAVEL VACUME AND MAYBE SOME ACTUAL MEDS FOR FRANCIS!! I just have to get though tuesday and wednesday, then i have a three day weekend and no work.... I'll need it though. love you all!! Peace out.

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