Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Itty Bitty Rain Storm

Hello, Welcome to my blog. I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Katherine Mackenzie. Most people call me Katie though. This is my blog! Though if you're paying attention to what you're doing you would have already figured that out wouldn't you? I dearly hope so. Let's see, it's raining here today, thunder and lightning included. T'was rattling my dorm window earlier. I love rain, it's one of my hobbies to go puddle stomping. Because truth be told I am a 4 year old at heart. With curly blond hair (currently died red) tied up in pigtails (as they are right now!) I'm not sure where this blog is going or what it's going to be about, probably God ('cause I'm presbyterian), odds and ends (because I like the random and the vintage), weather (and how it relates to my clothing and my mood), fashion (but not in the normal sense of the word), politics to some degree (but only because I'm an anthropologist), and art (because I do stuff like that). Oh and Coffee. Speaking of which, I had a Soy Cafe Mocha from the cafeteria this morning with my oat meal (with honey and cinnamon, yummmm) it was absolutely fantastic. Rain and coffee and some yummy warm cereal are so good. The verse of the day today is from Luke... some where... any ways it's the parable of the lamp under the basket. 'cause that song was stuck in my roommates head this morning and now it's stuck in mine ♪Hide it under a bushel, NO, I'm gunna let it shine ♪. Doesn't exactly go with the rainy day we're having but hey it's a good parable. I guess that's about it :D I wanna add a picture of the rain but my camera is dead... may-haps next time. §

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