Thursday, September 23, 2010

Raining here yet again, It's kind of wet and dark and dreary. But in brighter news my bio class today was canceled, which means that I spent most of my day drooling over the actor Colin Morgan.... sorry had to wipe off the slime from my cheek. Hahah just kidding I'm not that helplessly infatuated with him. It's just I am a total die hard Merlin fan, total die accent fan, and a total die hard nerdy hot guy fan. Annnnd Colin Morgan happens to fall into all of those categories :D
Hmmm ramblings you ask for?? I need to clean my room before my friend gets here to hang with me and my roomie this weekend... AND i need to do my dishes.... and take the trash out..... oops.... hahah ALSO I need to go shopping for winter apparel.... cause turns out I didn't come prepared to college. At least in the sweater and other warm things. So when I go home next I'm hitting up my old haunts... as in the thrift shops and Goodwill =D They are the best! I mean where else can you find the kind of clothes that scream crazy old cat lady, and hooker all on the same rack?! Personally I tend to shy away from the skin tight plastic mini skirts and black boots, and tend to wear the giant baggy sweaters and long skirts. Hahah I probably look like a crazy cat lady half the time, but what evs! I am totally cool with that. Besides cats are amazing animals in ever sense of the word. Gah! Criminal Minds is on!! My other celebrity love interest you ask? Spencer Reid off Criminal Minds.... He is lacking in the accent department but he takes the cake for nerdy attractiveness. lol I'm not obsessed I swear;)
So tomorrow night I'm going clubbing for the first time... should be interesting. I have to admit I am apprehensive, but I can defend myself if anything does happen. It's going to be great, cause my friend whom I havn't seen in like forever is going with us, with my roomie and another good friend. Pretty exciting. I'll have to get back to you on if it's worth the trip or not:) hahah wow this blog is like totally pointless right now... maybe it's just me wanting to talk, I am good at that!! §

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