Saturday, November 6, 2010

6th month anniversary

So today is mine and Evan's 6th month anniversary. Which is exciting. It makes me happy that we've been together for this long. :) And no, the long distance thing isn't easy, and yes, I am mjldly pissed that he couldn't come up this weekend to celebrate because of his volunteer thing, but you know what? I'll get over it. I still love the kid so it'll all work out. In other news Jesyka and Megan are coming up today!!! I am so excited!! I havn't seen them since our dinner party. The only thing is my hair is not being nice to me today. It's kinda really super lame. Lol my bangs are like freakin' out. hahah oh well. I'll deal. Hmmmm what else. Not much else. I'm just trying to waste time till they get here. Always the best. 10 days till I get to go to IC for a couple hours!! Get to see Evan, I won't be there for very long but hey I'll take what ever I can get at this point!! Hrmmm. Oh! HvZ update! I'm def a Zombie :( but I am now on the look out for the anti virus. OH and crazy coincedence! My "friend" (I use this term loosly) At Truman is playing HvZ as well!! I thought that was hilarious. He's still a human. I kinda hope he last's till a human when we go back for Thanksgiving break. I'll tag him XD hahah Jkjk. I'll probably have starved by thanksgiving. Though if I get turned back I'm def going to try my hardest to win and stay human. Lol College is actually turning out to be fun guys. Okay I'm off to do my make up and try to tame my hair. Peace out humans!!

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