Thursday, October 7, 2010

Those days...

So you're walking to dinner, It's chilly, your arms are crossed. Some girls are infront of you, their skinny and showing it off. There's a group of loud abnoxious guys walking the opposite way, they look at the skinny girls and yell "Hey what time tonight" The girls give the look like 'I've never seen you in my life, get away you disgusting frack.' Girls keep walking, Guys laugh and keep walking. I'm just walking, group of guys walks past me.... one guy looks my way, I don't return the pleasure. "Ewww" Guys laugh, they point, they think they are so funny. I keep walking. First spit now this, I've decided not to walk that way to the dinning center any longer.
Mmm so since Roomie is gone, It's Yoga night:) Oh an much Criminal Minds:) lol Whoooo!!!!

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